Maintaining your health during long work hours can be achieved by implementing the following:

1. Exercises at work
2. Break every hour
3. Plenty of water


1) Ankle pumps in Sitting: Ankle pumps are a great way to increase blood circulation to lower legs and reduce calf pain.
You can do this exercise while sitting in your chair, raise your legs and bring it to an angel of 45 degrees from the ground. Now push your toes upwards towards your leg and when you feel stretch hold it for 5 seconds and then release it. Bring it to the starting point and then move your toes away from your leg. Once you feel the stretch hold it for 5 seconds and then release and bring to the neutral position.
Repeat the same cycle for 10 times

2) Knee Exercise: Sitting in a chair, feet touching the ground, lift your legs up in the air until it is in life with your hip in the chair and the knee is straight. Once reached this position you should feel the stretch in your calf muscle, hold it here for 5 seconds and release it.

3) Hip Exercise: Sitting in a chair, feet touching the ground, lift your hips off your chair, this exercise is same like you are cycling by sitting in your chair. Shift from left to right

4) Neck: There are total 6 Neck exercises which you can easily do it in office to prevent Neck Pain because of long hour sitting in front of computer

• Neck Flexion: Bend your neck forward so that it touches your upper chest, Hold it for 5 seconds and release.

• Neck Extension: Bend your neck Backwards and look upwards toward ceiling, Hold it for 5 seconds and release
Now repeat the above two Neck Exercises for 10 times

• Neck Side Flexion Left Side: Bend your neck sideways so that your left Ears touches your left shoulder

• Neck Side Flexion Right Side: Bend your neck sideways so that your right Ears touches your right shoulder
Now repeat the above two Neck Exercises for 10 times

• Neck Rotation Left Side: Neck in straight position, looking forward, Now rotate your neck to the left side and look on the left side

• Neck Rotation Right Side: Neck in straight position, looking forward, Now rotate your neck to the right side and look on the right side.
Now repeat at the above tow Neck Exercises for 10 times